

Plexxi, and they know it.

Plexxi is a start-up tech company that increases server efficiency by leveraging pre-existing affinities within a network. The video series we created pretty much states that there are “wonk” and “wieners” in the world and if they cant figure out how to speak to each other things would always be messy.

I’ll say that of all the tech companies I’ve done work for Plexxi leads the pack when it comes to not taking themselves too seriously… always fun.


The website went a little more directly at how it works and what makes it different from other offerings. Affinities are like pre-existing conversations: certain parts of a network at any given time are predisposed to work together well and if you can “hear” that and dynamically re-route the information flow you can increase speed and efficiency.

The experience on the landing page was initially overwhelming, but upon roll-over you could hear specific conversations between individuals. What they were saying was humorous but also informative.
